Date: Saturday, March 27, 2010
Top mlm executives put their pants on one leg at a time, just like you or me, but there are a lot of things they will not put on that less successful agents all too often get tangled up in: personal feelings. In the multilevel marketing industry, many agents feel that relationships are key to ultimate success and happiness. These agents take time fostering relationships with prospects and carefully training their recruits on the minutia of te business idea themselves. While such careful diligence is heartening and sweet, it may not be the best business idea solution for monetary success.Multilevel marketing is the best for distributing work from home business ideas and opportunities.
Making money in this industry absolutely requires turning rejections to acceptances or moving on. The more time an agent spends trying to convince a hesitant prospect, the less time that agent has spent signing up willing and excited prospects. Every day spent on a hesitant prospect, and these people can quickly eat up entire days for hell-bent agents, is a day without multiple sign-ups.
How do the top mlm executives steer clear of this trap? They remember that mlm is a business idea first and foremost and they don't take it personally. These people understand that success in the job requires acceptances more than friendships, so they would rather hear a quick rejection and move on that spend days chasing an acceptance. This mindset is key to success. It is critical that you develop a tough outer shell so that you can accept a rejection as the favor it is. A rejection is your prospect's way of respecting your time and talent, not wasting it but allowing you to move on to someone more interested in the company and products and business idea you tout. To be one of the top executives in any marketing company, you must quickly develop this tough exterior and dedication to achieving successful numbers.
Do you find yourself worrying over specific individuals? Do you find that you cannot easily take no for an answer and are compelled to push until each rejection becomes an acceptance? Instead, structure your day around maximizing outreach and contacts, and minimize the time you spend with any one prospect. This mindset will protect your feelings and your financial outlook.Make it easy and move on to the next prospect,by distributing your business idea using relationships in the multilevel marketing industry.
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