Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Top Home Businesses for Work at Home Moms
Becoming a work at home mom provides the wonderful opportunity to be home with your children while avoiding exorbitant daycare fees. Deciding to work from home is a big step and you want to make sure that you are going to be successful. Choosing a top home based business idea to begin is a key to ensuring that your business idea venture will be lucrative.
Like many work at home moms, chances are you feel like you are always running in circles while juggling more balls than most people can simply carry. This might be an accurate description of your daily schedule, but it does not have to be the pervading feeling in your life. With healthy work life balance, you can perform a hundred tasks, while taking care of several people, without losing sense of yourself in the mix. Here are a few ideas for keeping a healthy work life balance in the midst of your busy schedule:
Many work at home moms have to work evening and weekend schedules instead of the traditional 9 to 5 in order to be available to their children. A top home based business idea that allows you to work mainly these hours is a home party business idea. To start a home party business, you must sign on with a direct sales company.
Remember to take a little time for yourself each day. Whether you are savoring a cup of tea or enjoying a brisk stroll through the neighborhood, a little alone time can help to clear your mind and reset your patience for the next challenge. During this time, you can put away your cares for the day and relax. This might also be a good time to process experiences and learn from the ups and downs of your day.
There are many options out there so be sure to research each company carefully. You will want to find out how much their startup package costs, how and when you will be paid, and commission and shipping rates to compare to other companies. Choose a company that carries products that you like and also will provide return sales. For example, makeup washes down the drain, candles burn away. As soon as you receive your startup package you can begin selling. You will find it enjoyable as well because you get to be in a party atmosphere with other adults that are looking to share grown up conversation.
Get plenty of rest every night. The body needs rest to function at its best, and you need a body in peak shape to meet the many demands you face every day. 6-8 hours of quality sleep will help you to concentrate better, remember better, and feel more patient and centered. When a person skimps on sleep, their immune systems suffer and they get sick much more easily.
Another top home based business idea for work at home moms is offering child care from your home. Since you are going to be home with your own children anyway, you should consider taking on a few more. People pay a lot of money each week in daycare fees. Charge a little less and make sure to remind parents that their children will be in a home setting with more one on one attention. Many parents prefer this over overcrowded noisy daycare centers. Speak to parents at your children s play dates or distribute a flyer at church, the pediatrician s office or the local community center to begin your business idea.
These ideas can help you to create a healthy balance between your personal life and work. Establishing this balance can help you to find greater joy in even the busiest of days.
Eat healthy, balanced meals. Too many work at home moms use the kitchen only when they are preparing meals for someone else. Even if your kids are at school and your husband is away at work, you still need to take time to eat something nutritious and tasty to keep your energy level up and your urge to snack in check.
Keep up and read as many articles as possible regards to work from home business ideas and opportunities to make money online and still be a respectabil Mom who cares for her family and have time for all the other usual tasks and then make the right decision.
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